Some of you may have been wondering as to why the blog has not being updated, considering the present global lockdown due to COVID19, and also why there was a puzzling Soundcloud account displayed under the blog's right banner. The answer to the first question is, I've been having some things to do each week, and I've not been on the mood for readings these days also (choosing to exercise indoors instead or practise with my dusty Erhu). Since I'm only slowly picking up a book at the time, and getting to watch lots of films, I think these next reviews will disrupt the present orderly entries and I'll just do whatever I want to. This is my blog, God dammit.
Now, you can see the Soundcloud side channel for a Dark Ambient collaboration I had in mind has vanished (though I'll try to get that done, also). Instead, you'll find a link to a new Youtube side channel I started this month, namely 音楽の奇跡 [The Miracle Of Music]. A commitment to understand the basics of After Effects, to persevere in my Japanese language studies during the lockdown, and to subtitle random things I like for this blog has paved the way for this. I'm purposefully translating songs which lack any available translation on the internet, so we get to enjoy new things each time there's an upload!
I'll resume the vaguely regular activity of the blog these next days, so please stay remotely tuned!
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