Of interest

The Poem of May [五月の詩] is among Terayama's best known pieces of poetry, a concise and vivid description of youthfulness, freedom and innocence. As such, it even forewords one among my poem collections of the author, 寺山修司歌集 (edited by the renowed Kadokawa Bunko [角川文庫]). It also includes these beautiful circus-esque drawings, a topic already discussed last month in relationship with 田園に死す. As its famous line goes '20 years old me was born in May' [二十才僕は五月に誕生した] it has also been used at graduation ceremonies such as this one, until the Japanese government stated an issue in 2018 decreasing the coming of age from the traditional 20 years to 18.

Now, as part of a memorial for the deceased playwright, some ex-members of the Tenjō Sajiki troupe collaborated in various musical projects; one of them involved J.A. Seazer [J・A・シーザー] as composer and Yoko Ran [蘭妖子], former actress, as singer. The commemorative CD title is [10th TERAYAMA 寺山修司に捧ぐ 惜春鳥], which I shall review in due time. Thing is, a little while ago I found out both Yoko and Seazer toured this event with live performances and declamations, around the nineties. I discovered by pure chance a recording of such event, a two-tracks upload in a Chinese streaming site, Youku; If one is generous enough to excuse 90's handycam quality and a permanent shaking as the unknown cameraman strived his way around the person in front of him, the audio quality is rewarding. I subtitled the poem for Yoko's live performance, as the beautiful music really enhances the poem itself. Of course, the event took place on May, 5月.
